• The works you’ve written are numerous, ranging from short stories to even the novel, hidden in a storage bin (under the bed) collecting dust. But there comes a time when you must wipe away that dust, regain your pride, and prepare your babies for publication! But, how do you get such a critical, unbiased eye to analyze your works, offering both praise and criticism?


    It’s simple—start a writing group!


    Creating a writing group is the easy part, but creating a functioning and beneficial writing group can be quite a task.


    Writing groups are age-old sessions where writers obtain helpful evaluations for their works. Nowadays, though, writing groups seem to be a fad, and for many a status symbol reassuring them of their writerdom. Don’t create a writing group simply for the sake of saying, “I belong to a writing group”. Create or join a group because of the numerous benefits that come along with them.


    Keep Number of Members Limited. You don’t want just one other person in this group. So shoot for 3 or more members. On the other hand, you don’t want to have 30 people in the group either. Try approximately 8-10 members. If one person leaves the group, replace that person with a new recruit. Keep the same standards for all members. Make it standard that members can only join by an invite. Allowing your group to be very exclusive brings the group more pride.


    Select Randomly. It’s okay to have a friend in this group, but you chose to create this writing group for unbiased opinions. So don’t allow ALL the members to be your best friends in which you see on a daily basis. Perhaps one member is 18 yrs old, while the other is 35. Keeping age, sex, ethnicity, and educational levels of your group will allow a diverse critique—which is ultimately what you’re seeking. A diverse group will only make you and the group much stronger.


    Meetings. We’re all struggling writers, so most often the other members of the group will have jobs to attend. So finding an appropriate time for a meeting is crucial. I’ve found that one Sunday per month, after 2 p.m. is great. Make it an odd time. Creating times such as 2:07 p.m. will stand out and allow members to remember. Where are these meetings held? Keep switching locations. Allow the members to rotate the location to each of their homes. If homes are not available, then a select person should discuss where they choose the next meeting should be held. This is the reason membership should be limited to a few members. It’s much easier to meet with just a few people.


    Text. Focus your group on either poetry or prose—try not to mingle the two. If the text is prose, and the writer wants his novel critiqued, suggest that the novel be submitted on a “per chapter” (or two) basis. Don’t overwhelm the members with too much to read at one time—or you’ll end up with no members. The month before your work is critiqued, each writer should submit photocopies of their manuscript to each member.


    Know your intentions. Make sure that, for the most part, members have similar goals: to be published or for sheer enjoyment of writing. This will eliminate time wasted if you know this upfront.


    Critiquing. When critiquing the text, encourage the members to speak as if the writer isn’t present. In the meanwhile, the author can sit back, take notes, and write down questions the critics may have posed. Encourage the critics to write on their versions of the text before meeting. Allow approximately 20 minutes to discuss each member’s work. Upon completion of the critique, critics should give the author their “corrected” versions. Complete the critique by allowing the author to explain any unanswered questions and to thank the critics.


    If members can’t keep up with reading that much work per month, then divide it up. Four writers submit one month, while the remaining four submit the following month. Above all, writing groups should be a relaxed environment — away from your significant other, your children, and your job. Let this be a time where you hone your writing skills with the assistance of others who simply seek the same thing.


    HG Nadel is an author and novel writer who is passionate about creativity. She is best known for her romance novel "Eternal love story". Her expertise in young adult drama has allowed her to write captivating coming-of-age stories in both English and French.


    For more details, please visit here: http://hgnadel.dudaone.com/

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  • The term creative writing is used to discern certain types of inventive or artistic writing from other general types of writing. The field of creative writing is broad and includes many different formats and genres of writing. The broad and general description of it is purposeful in its effort not to limit the imagination of the potential writer, or that of the reader. Creative writing is totally different from other types of writing, such as technical writing, scientific writing, or copy-driven journalism. The discipline of creative writing includes, but should not be limited to, works of fiction, poetry, personal memoir or autobiography, song lyrics, plays and screenplays, and any mixture of the above.


    By and large, writing is a skill that is innate to a person. Just like with other proficiency, most types of writing often comes easier to some people than to others. Therefore, it is often thought that a person cannot be taught how to write, especially creatively. Despite whatever natural talents for writing a person might have, those talents often need to be developed in order for the writer to realize his or her fullest potential in the craft. Learning how to write creatively must begin on the inside. A certain amount of individual experience, opinion, and innate sensitivity must be tapped when taking on the task of creative writing.


    HG Nadel says that creative writing is an artistic expression, like painting or composing music. It is therefore subject to criticism, both constructive and disrespectful. This should in no way deter a person from writing creatively, or in any other way. Sometimes, artistic expression is done just for the sake of doing it. There does not have to be a reason to create something, and there does not have to be an explanation behind the creation. The personal expression is free. This sentiment holds especially true with creative writing.


    Creative writing courses are extremely popular and widely available in various formats. Short-term workshops ranging from merely a few hours to a day or several weekly sessions are available through public libraries, community education centers, and even community colleges. They are for everyone from the beginner to the seasoned writer looking to polish his or her skills.


    In a creative writing course, there are many potential topics to discuss and methods to teach at length. These topics include, but are not limited to, techniques on brainstorming and exploring creative ideas, overcoming writer's block, learning how to structure work, overcoming the fear of people reading/judging the created work, editing completed work, and getting works published. Though some will argue that true creative writing cannot be taught, it is widely acknowledged that certain skills can be mined and honed, as well as certain techniques taught, to make almost anyone at least a fair writer, and not be afraid to unleash his or her creativity.


    Many budding writers opt to study creative writing in college. Often it can be an emphasis within a major in English, and a 4-year bachelor's degree can be earned. This can open doors to many professional opportunities, as well as equip a writer with the skills to either take a stab at freelance writing, or translate his or her creative writing skills into other professional arenas, such as public relations, advertising, or editing.


    For those whose writing ambition is to do creative writing as more of a hobby, looking to the Internet for creative writing websites is a good way to get work seen and gain insight into the craft. Many creative writing websites offer bulletin boards where writers can post works to be read and enjoyed, and where feedback can be given reciprocally. Also, writers can find a real community of individuals looking for other writers with whom to trade and share ideas.


    Some creative writing websites also offer some of the same lessons and pointers on brainstorming and formulating ideas, editing, publishing, and other techniques that many workshops or writing courses offer, except it often does not cost anything online, and it is more convenient. There is also the appeal of the relative anonymity online, for the shy writer who is not quite ready for the face-to-face public arena. True creative writing might not be a learned talent, but the ability to tap inner creativity is possible for just about anyone.


    HG Nadel is an author and novel writer who is passionate about creativity. She is best known for her romance novel "Eternal love story". Her expertise in young adult drama has allowed her to write captivating coming-of-age stories in both English and French.


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  • Blogging is very popular these days, and some people even make a decent living at it. There's a myriad of sites you can use to start blogging. The advice in the following article by HG Nadel will show you how to start your own blog or make your existing blog even better. Have fun!


    Make search engine optimization a priority when setting up your blog. The whole point of a blog is to get people to read it, so you need to ensure that your site appears high in the search results for relevant keywords. Using keywords strategically placed in your article and title will draw in more readers.


    Remember not to overuse keywords, plug-in, images and ads. Doing so will only get you flagged by a search engine, and it will erase all of the hard work that you are trying to do. Strive for smooth writing that flows naturally.


    Making frequent and interesting comments on the blog's of other people is a great way to increase exposure to your own. If you are a user of Google Reader, have a different folder filled with other blogs you want to keep tabs on. Make sure to leave comments on them regularly, whenever you have something interesting to offer.


    Don't let your posts become long and rambly. Get right to the point. It is useful to have informative and detailed posts on your blog, but unnecessarily long ones will bore your readers. Blog readers do not want a post written in a Shakespeare manner, with unnecessary details. They want to get to the heart of the matter!


    Invite bloggers who are extremely successful to write some blog blogs on your site. You will increase the interest in your blog by adding quality content. Additionally, you should receive more traffic when they alert their regular readers of the guest appearance. You an do that with several bloggers so that your blog has plenty of excellent content.


    Consider allowing guest bloggers to post to your site. This will develop a relationship between you and another blog owner, and you never know when that might come in handy. Do not disregard the importance of building cooperative relationships. If you ever need a favor in the future, that relationship could be the means of obtaining it!


    As you can see, there are many things you can do to make your blog more successful. Using these ideas can improve your experience creating your own blog and heighten the pleasure of those who visit your blog. Begin using these tips by HG Nadel to improve or make a blog, and ensure it stands apart from the rest.


    If you want to learn the other aspects of writing don't forget to visit HG Nadel's blog https://hgnadel.wordpress.com today!

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  • Blogs are amazingly common these days. There does not seem to be a topic, website or business that does not have bloggers writing about it. In order to write an effective blog, you will need to plan your writing and make important decisions about your blog. Do your homework and use the information and tips presented in this article to help you design the blog that you have always wanted to create.

    Finding Your Way Through Blogging: Make It Successful

    Try to continually be available for your readers. Connections are important in the online world, and this is especially true when you are writing a blog. If you've begun to connect with your visitors, they'll expect that you'll be around regularly. You have an obligation to your readers if your blog really takes off. If you get frustrated, think of your readers.


    Check to be certain you have not overused keywords, Adsense postings, images or plug-ins. This will only cause you to get flagged by search engines and make it harder to find you. Try to write naturally, and you will find your work reads smoothly.


    A great way to increase traffic to your own blog is to leave comments on other blogs. If you're using Google Reader, you can have a separate folder to use for keeping track of the blogs that you should be following. It's a great idea to post regular comments, in fact post them anytime you have something to say!


    Regularly post new content to your blog. If you make a concerted effort to produce new content regularly, your audience will not only return, but they will recommend your blogs to others. Try to post at least daily, if possible. If new content appears infrequently, visitors won't be motivated to come back to your blog. You should make an attempt to do a new blog post daily.


    Don't ever make your life all about blogging. You do not want to burn yourself out, so plan on staying away from your blog at some point in the day. Make time for walks, visiting friends, or just a five minute break. Taking this time away from the computer will allow you to return refreshed so that you'll be prepared to produce excellent content.


    These days blogs are a dime a dozen, so be sure that yours appeals to the readers you are targeting. People start blogs for many different reasons, but every blogger hopes to reach a receptive audience. You can be one of the successful bloggers. Blogging can be fun and sometimes even make money. Use the tips and advice presented here by HG Nadel to make your blog the best it can be.

    Also read: Blogging Tips by HG Nadel That Will Improve Your Blog

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  • Developing an individual writing process is a key part of becoming a real writer. If you want to learn and grow as a writer then you must work to develop a unique writing process. If you want to be a more productive writer and for your work to improve then you must develop a unique writing process


    While most writing processes contain the same basic elements, each individual writing process is as individual as the writer it serves. Each writing process contains these steps: brainstorming, organizing, writing, revising and editing. Some people condense the essentials into only three parts: brainstorming and organization as one, writing, and then revising and editing as the final step. While you may well end up with some variation of a writing process that is close to the latter when you are first individualizing your writing process you should start with the five distinct steps.


    How do you begin to develop your own unique writing process? You must write -- a lot -- and you must experiment with different methods and different styles and different variations within each of the five steps. Even if you find the "idea" of one experiment to be uncomfortable or unwieldy then you must still give it a try because that might be the key to unlocking your own successful style.


    This is especially important when it comes to the first step in the process -- generating ideas. Experiment with all the variations of brainstorming you hear about from free writing, clustering, questioning, listing and journaling as well as the many other options out there.


    After you have spent time brainstorming it is important to begin putting those ideas into some semblance of organization. Sometimes you will need to do this on paper and sometimes it can be done in your head. You may be able to do some rough organization with arrows, numbers or highlighting or perhaps you might need to use note cards or a computer program. Again, experimentation is key to find the method that works best for you.


    The actual writing portion of your writing process should be the easiest and least painful. Remember, you will take care of revision and editing later on so you only need to worry about filling your required allotment of pages. Do not slow down your creative process by self editing as you write. Just let it flow and sort it out later.


    HG Nadel a self published writer personally considers editing to deal with those fine, picky details such as spelling, grammar, and punctuation. It might to some extent involve word choice but usually those details are dealt with during revision. Do not forget to read your work out loud at this point to catch awkward sentence and paragraph structure.


    And that is how you can develop your own personal writing process. Do not forget: Developing an individual writing process is key to your development and success as a writer.

    To read more, please click here

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